[Golden brown]
Dark reddish brown. Japanese imperial cokor. READ MORE>
>>Converted from DIC HEX color
Color Values
HEX | #B37D58 |
CMYK | 0, 30, 51, 30 |
RGB | 179, 125, 88 |
PANTONE | P 32-11 C |
NAME | Driftwood |
HEX | #9F6D51 |
CMYK | 0, 31, 49, 38 |
RGB | 159, 109, 81 |
PANTONE | 7525 C |
NAME | Leather |
HEX | #A17350 |
CMYK | 0, 29, 50, 37 |
RGB | 161, 115, 80 |
PANTONE | 7511 U |
NAME | Santa Fe |
After dyeing yellow with Japanese wax tree, it is dyed with Suoh (蘇芳) or Shikon (紫根).
“Kohrozen (黄櫨染)” was the color of the robe and Sokutai (束帯*) worn by Emperor Reiwa during the ceremony of imperial succession. It is called “Zettai-kinjiki (絶対禁色)”, and even now it is a color that can only be worn by the emperor.
* Sokutai(束帯) : From the Heian period onwards, formal attire for male court nobles below the emperor (Heian costume).