Light reddish orange. Japanese natural dye color with clove. READ MORE>
>>Converted from DIC HEX color
Color Values
HEX | #CCA688 |
CMYK | 0, 19, 33, 20 |
RGB | 204, 166, 136 |
PANTONE | P 29-9 C |
NAME | Tan |
HEX | #CEA98D |
CMYK | 0, 18, 32, 19 |
RGB | 206, 169, 141 |
PANTONE | 4665 C |
NAME | Tan |
HEX | #CCA183 |
CMYK | 0, 21, 36, 20 |
RGB | 204, 161, 131 |
PANTONE | 728 U |
NAME | Tan |
“Koh-iro” is the light color of Cloves(丁子) or other fragrant wood, and it is also called “淡き香 Ukika”, and “Akakoh” is one of them, and it has a slightly strong redness.
“Koh-iro” was used for Monks’ clothes and it was the second noble color after purple. It was also favored by nobles who loved scent, because the scent remains on fabric and paper dyed with cloves.
In the past, cloves were very expensive, so Japanese people often used Safflowers and Gardenia instead.