Slightly black, deep and glossy red. READ MORE>
>>Convert from DIC HEX color
Color Values
HEX | #8D2A3D |
CMYK | 0, 70, 57, 45 |
RGB | 141, 42, 61 |
PANTONE | P 64-15 C |
NAME | Stiletto |
HEX | #872434 |
CMYK | 0, 73, 61, 47 |
RGB | 135, 36, 52 |
PANTONE | 202 C |
NAME | Burnt Umber |
HEX | #9F4C58 |
CMYK | 0, 52, 45, 38 |
RGB | 159, 76, 88 |
PANTONE | 7427 U |
NAME | Copper Rust |
There are two types of dyes: plant-based “正臙脂 Sho-enji”, which is dyed with safflower, and animal-based “生臙脂 Sho-enji”, which uses red pigment purified from small insects such as lac beetles.
The color name:Enji(臙脂) is believed to be associated with the En(燕) country of China.